See Better

Regular eye exams do more than establish your prescription for glasses or contact lenses. Your eyes are an indicator of your overall health, so an optometrist is often the first person to identify chronic conditions such as glaucoma, diabetes and high blood pressure, often before you know they exist.

When you arrive for your Eye Examination we shall undertake a pre-screening assessment, including Retinal Imaging, Intra-ocular Pressure Testing and Visual Field Testing.

Our eye examinations, performed by an experienced Specialist Optometrist, reflect the high quality of our resources, our investment in the very best optometric technology available and the increased time required for the procedures involved. We dedicate a minimum of 45 – 60 minutes for each examination to include Optomap Ultra Widefield Imaging, Spectralis 4D OCT enhanced retinal scanning and dilation (if necessary), threshold fields and anterior eye imaging if appropriate.

During this time, you will go through a series of tests and scans which will help the clinician make informed diagnostic decisions and also provide a baseline for future monitoring and management. We recognise that in today’s modern world, technology plays a key role in the diagnosis, management and treatment of most conditions / diseases. Thus, we have spared no expense in equipping our practice with the latest and very best technology- an investment in excess of £200K.
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Eye test at pantiles eye centre and hearing care
Eye test at pantiles eye centre and hearing care
We are most proud in having the Spectralis OCT machine by Heidelberg Engineering. This instrument sits at the very top of the pyramid of diagnostic tools in Ophthalmology (and other fields). This scanning microscope will detect, analyse and compare (to populations matched for age and gender) the most minute changes at the back of one’s eye – vital for diagnosing, managing and treating conditions like glaucoma and macular degeneration.

In addition to our comprehensive eye examinations, we run condition-specific specialist clinics, including a specialist Dry Eye Syndrome clinic equipped with the latest technology to provide the very best treatment and management.
Our Eye Services:
The Ultimate Eye Examination
Colour Overlay Assessment
Enhanced AMD Screening
Diagnostic Dry & Blepharitis Eye Assessment
Ultimate Dry Eye & Blepharitis Treatment Package
Enhanced Glaucoma Screening
Heidelberg Spectralis 4D OCT Eye Scan
Contact Lens Fitting & Aftercare
Blephex Treatment
Dry Eye Follow Up
Acute Eye Care
Book an appointment
Pantiles Eye Centre
Linden Park Road, Tunbridge Wells, TN2 5FQ
For more information please feel free to contact us
with the below details
01892 726688
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Tuesday - 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday  - 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday - 09:00 - 17:00
Friday - 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday - 09:00 - 16:00
Sunday - Closed